Postcard from Paris [in progress]

23rd July 2018

One of several reasons that I stopped blogging many months ago was my questioning of why anyone in the world might be interested. Especially in a post like this which is essentially what-I-did-on-a-two-day-break-in-Paris. But if I think that essentially I'm more

Paintings in Madness…

29th August 2016

Paintings glimpsed in movies are often fascinating, and invariably so when they exhibit modernist tendencies. Take a look at the painting below that is granted just two seconds or so in the British Gothic melodrama Madness of the Heart, 1949 (a detail of more

Monday links

6th June 2016

Links to interesting stuff that I have discovered over the past week. A day late, I fear, in part accounted for by the preparations for the RSC Live from Stratford-upon-Avon broadcast of Hamlet on Wednesday. • Hillary Clinton more

Sunday links

7th December 2014

I am touched and encouraged by the expressions of enthusiasm for this supposedly weekly offering, and I will now endeavour over the coming months to post it consistently. As before it is a selection of articles and more that have engaged me more

Return of the Links

23rd November 2014

Since we have been offline for a month and more, this is a longer (and later)-than-usual selection of articles and more that have engaged me over during that time, with the usual apologies for not including appropriate thanks to more

Small is beautiful

11th March 2013

The best - and best-value - show of modern painting in London right now is not the overblown and distinctly patchy Manet: Portraying Life at the Royal Academy (until 14 April; entrance fee £15). Rather, it is more