Sunday links

12th July 2020

John Wyver writes: the usual suggestions about articles, together with occasional videos and tweets, that have engaged and informed me over the past week. My thanks, as is also customary, to those on Twitter and elsewhere who have alerted me more

New year, new blog?

9th January 2020

John Wyver writes: The end of last year was a shameful time for this blog, in large part because I posted ridiculously infrequently. Shortage of time was one factor, linked to a host of personal and professional pressures. But I more

Videos for the weekend

2nd February 2013

I have my colleague Todd Macdonald to thank for the weekend's first clip: a timelapse panorama of the courtyard observed by Jeff (James Stewart, above) in Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window (1954). Todd was laid up with a bug for much more