28th March 2021
John Wyver writes: another batch of pointers to content I've found stimulating and informative and engaging over the past week, with many recommended to me by colleagues and confreres on Twitter, to whom I remain immensely grateful.
Let's start with
16th October 2016
My weekly offering of links to articles and videos that I have found interesting or stimulating over the past seven days. The US election continues to prompt much exceptional written journalism, and I lead with several pieces related to this. Thanks,
3rd September 2016
Posted from down under in Brisbane (and with little sense of what timezone I'm in - hence the change of title), today's list of links points to articles that I have found interesting or stimulating over the past seven days. Thanks as usual to
14th August 2016
Links as usual to articles that I have found interesting or stimulating over the past seven days. Thanks as ever to those who have pointed me towards some of them, via Twitter and in other ways, and apologies for the absence of appropriate name-checks.
• more
26th June 2016
Inevitably much of this week's reading has been dominated by the many excellent pieces about the referendum and its fall-out (especially from the Guardian, which has been playing a blinder), but here are links to a selection of other bits
12th June 2016
It's been a week of Hamlet, the live cinema broadcast of which I produced for the RSC on Wednesday, and also of talking about Kenneth Clark's television at a BFI Southbank screening on Thursday and a Broadcasting the Arts:
6th April 2015
A time there was when I used to post here regularly, including on each Sunday a host of links. In recent months I have fallen out of the habit. You've been so busy with other things, I tell myself. You've been