Sunday links

9th September 2018

A slightly fuller list of links (and a perhaps moderately more considered one) after last week's tentative return to this format, with a clutch of articles that I have found fascinating and enriching. Many thanks to all those who alerted me more

Sunday links

21st May 2017

This week's selection of links to articles and one video that have attracted my eye and ear, with my thanks to those who pointed me towards them. And just for a change, let's ignore the idiocies of the public world more

Sunday links

25th September 2016

To start Sunday links, this... • My vote: Roger Angell for The New Yorker. ... and this... • The road ahead: Kirk Douglas for The Huffington Post. ... and this, from Joss Whedon and friends (which you'll have seen but which is more

Weekend links

3rd September 2016

Posted from down under in Brisbane (and with little sense of what timezone I'm in - hence the change of title), today's list of links points to articles that I have found interesting or stimulating over the past seven days. Thanks as usual to more

Sunday links

31st July 2016

Today's links to articles that I have found interesting or stimulating over the past seven days. Thanks as always to those who have pointed me towards some of them, via Twitter and in other ways, and apologies for the absence of appropriate name-checks. • more