Alicia for President
Whisper it softly but the best drama on American television – or should that be television tout court? – is about to come to an end. Depending on quite how far along you are on More4 this side of the Atlantic, there are just 7 or 8 episodes left of the seventh season of The Good Wife. They’ve just shot the final show and running major spoiler avoidance will be essential next Sunday, 8 May, when that airs in the States. Show after show, for 22 weeks a year, The Good Wife has delivered smart, sexy, compelling, provocative, involving, moving, snatched-from-the-headlines, and did-I-say-sexy, stories.
The New York Times has just run a delightful interview with star Juliana Margulies (whose name they managed at first to mis-spell in the headline), who plays television’s most rounded and sympathetic female character, Alicia Florrick, and the show’s creators, husband-and-wife team Robert and Michelle King. You can read it without fear of finding plotlines you’re not au fait with, and there’s lots of interest for those of us who have followed Alicia on her wonderful journey. Including this right at the end when Juliana Margulies was asked what might just one more plotline for Alicia be?
One of the things I found interesting this year was what Eli [the political adviser to Peter Florrick] kept saying, that Alicia’s the star. Because Alicia doesn’t see herself that way, at all. So even though there was this jilted run for state’s attorney that she got thrown under the bus for, I would love to see how far that could go. Especially in the environment of Hillary [Clinton] right now, I think that would be really interesting.
Question is, of course, whose ticket would she run on? Is she a Democract or could she give The Donald a run for his, and America’s, money?
Image: Alicia (Julianna Margulies) and Jason (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) in the still-to-come episode 17, Shoot, of series 7.
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