Beyond the Globe
For the past year and more, we have hugely enjoyed working with the academic team putting together Shakespearean London Theatres. The ShaLT project is dedicated to telling ‘the full story behind the vast theatrical scene that thrilled London for over fifty years during the reigns of Elizabeth I, James I and Charles I.” As the ShaLT website says,
This project aims to increase public awareness of these sites and to promote their enjoyment by producing, through a partnership between De Montfort University and the Victoria and Albert Museum, a map, a printed ShaLT Guide, interactive software, public talks, and downloadable short films that will enable the public to travel to the modern London locations of these theatres and learn about them.
The excellent website has a wealth of detail, historical analysis and images, and Illuminations has been working on the short films. The first of these films – a general introduction to the project and to the period – has just gone online, and is embedded here. More will appear over the coming days and weeks, and we will be highlighting those here too – as well as discussing further the ShaLT project and our part in it.
What a fascinating and much needed project.