Sunday links

28th March 2021

John Wyver writes: another batch of pointers to content I've found stimulating and informative and engaging over the past week, with many recommended to me by colleagues and confreres on Twitter, to whom I remain immensely grateful. Let's start with more

You cannot hold back spring

22nd March 2021

As we slowly exit our third lockdown and see the rapid roll-out of vaccinations, we can - whisper it - start thinking about returning to a non-Zoom-oriented reality. The Royal Academy and Tate Britain are feeling that optimism with both more

Sunday links

21st March 2021

John Wyver writes: I was wrestling with some tech issues on Sunday, so this week's selection was a touch delayed - apologies. But it's in reasonable shape now. The first link will take you to one of the very best more

Sunday links

14th March 2021

John Wyver writes: lockdown rolls on, as does the provision of a collection each week of articles and videos that I have found interesting or informative, and often both, over the past week. The list is perhaps a little less more

Sunday links

7th March 2021

John Wyver writes: maybe it's lockdown lassitude, but Links is a little late this week, and is still a work in progress; nonetheless, with my usual thanks to those on my Twitter feed, here is another selection of articles and more