Sunday links

30th August 2020

John Wyver writes: links to articles and videos that have engaged and interested me over this last week of summer; thanks, as ever, to those in my Twitter feed who have highlighted good stuff. • Boris Johnson more

Sunday links

22nd August 2020

John Wyver writes: apologies for missing last week, but here's a new collection of stuff that I've found interesting and, in the case of the videos from #DNC2020, inspiring. Thanks, as always, to those in my Twitter timeline. • more

Sunday links

9th August 2020

John Wyver writes: more links to things that might interest you, or at least interested me over the past week - my usual thanks to those on Twitter who point me to great stuff. • How the more

Sunday links

2nd August 2020

John Wyver writes: another weekend, another bunch of stuff that I have found interesting, illuminating and helpful; my thanks as always to those who point me to good things via Twitter and in other ways. • more